

As I sit here and realise that I haven't posted for a while (sorry about that), I also realise that I have completed my first year at University, and that I am no longer a Fresher (crying). I am also missing my Uni friends a lot, but I remember this time last year, I was absolutely shitting my self (sorry about the swearing)...

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Body confidence issues

Hello all! Firstly I would like to thoroughly apologise for not posting in so long. I have just got back to work after being at Uni and I'm working full time hours so it's taking me some time to get used to it all again! This post is a post I have wanted to write for a while, and I hope that some...

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Performing Arts Ball 2016

I have finally finished my first year at University and it has flown by! At the end of the academic year, there is a Summer Ball. My friends and I decided to not go to that (where everyone from every course gets together) and instead wait until the Performing Arts Ball (music, theatre and dance students). Because it was the end of the...

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A new beginning

As I sit here trying to nurse this two day hangover (don't drink... ever), I ask myself 'Did I really need that extra Jägerbomb?' I have now completed my first year of University and a few of us went out to celebrate. Needless to say I won't be drinking for a while. Because I have finished my first year, I will be bored over...

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